Auditions- Christmas on Broadway

AUDITIONS for ‘Christmas On Broadway’ Variety Show! Singing and dancing auditions will be via video submissions which should be submitted before NOON on OCTOBER 4th.  See audition requirements below.

Directed by Holly Wenning                         Music Direction by Frank Brennan

Co-choreographed by Holly Wenning and Jackie Burns

Please fill out an AUDITION FORM HERE:
and submit it.

The production will follow COVID-19 distancing, mask wearing, and sanitization protocols. Rehearsals for individuals will be scheduled separately from each other to keep attendance numbers in the building limited. Masks will be worn at all times during the rehearsal process. Contact tracing protocols will be followed. The project is subject to our ability to ensure the health and safety of the cast and crew. Should circumstances change or COVID numbers continue to rise to the point that working on the show becomes unsafe, the team reserves the right to cancel the project.The Theatre Sarnia Board has mandated that all cast and crew of any of our productions MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED. Masks are mandatory.  Please ensure that you can provide your proof of vaccination. It will be needed before you can audition.  You can obtain your proof by going to this site:
Proof of vaccination must be forwarded to for approval. Thank you!

Age Requirement: Performers aged 12 and up are welcome to submit an audition video. Singers: Please prepare a song that demonstrates your range and ability. Audition submissions  should be approximately 2 minutes. If you are auditioning for dance as well please see the requirements below and add this to the end of your video.Dancers: Please prepare a one minute video showing your movement capabilities. Please include technical elements such as 1 jump, 1 kick and 1 turn. If you can sing as well, please indicate this on the form.

MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Participants must be Theatre Sarnia members. Both vaccinated members and non-members can audition. If you are successful in your audition and not already a member of Theatre Sarnia, you can purchase a Theatre Sarnia Membership at (annual membership fees are $15 for an individual or $20 for a family).

Audition Form HERE:
Include the links to your videos in the specified section, and submit your form. Our audition process requires you to send in pre-filmed performances that are then uploaded to either YouTube or to the online Audition Form (see process below).  There are links to instructions on how to set up a YouTube account and upload a video. 
At the beginning of your audition video please: * Introduce yourself* Say what songs you will be performing for your audition.Upload your videos to YouTube using the instructions below or attach them directly to the audition form.. THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT YOUR AUDITION IS MONDAY OCTOBER 4th by 12:00 NOON

VIDEO SUBMISSIONS Videos under 100MB can be uploaded directly to the audition form.  (See video upload at the bottom of the form) Videos over 100MB follow the instructions below to load your video to YouTube.If you have Gmail - you can sign into YouTube. If you do not have a Gmail account you can sign up for a Google account: and then continue. How to set up a channel: to upload a video: you require technical assistance, please
Rehearsals will take place through October and November. Rehearsal days will be Sunday Monday and Wednesday evenings, beginning at 6:30. You will not be required for all three nights of rehearsal each week. Rehearsals will be scheduled so that a minimum of people will be in the rehearsal hall together.
The show will then be performed live on:Friday evening December 10th Saturday matinee December 11th Saturday evening December 11th Sunday matinee December 12th